CD2E is a French environmental cluster bringing together SMEs, laboratories/universities, local authorities and eco-friendly companies in order to develop new eco-technologies and environmental solutions. CD2E is active in many sectors, such as eco-building, recycling, water management, energy efficiency and sediment management.
This non-profit association represents more than 600 eco-enterprises and 60 laboratories working on environmental issues in Northern France. It recently celebrated its 10th anniversary and is a member of the Global Cleantech Cluster Association. CD2E launched their first Life Cycle activities in 2007. We are undertaking a study with a local authority to adapt their public works procurement policy according to the life cycle impacts of road materials and we are starting to develop a LCA database for eco-materials.
Role of CD2E in the project: CD2E supports MEL in the development of the living lab near Lille.
For more information: CD2E website.